Characterization Awards
Awardee | Institution | Title | Award Number |
Jay Shendure, Nadav Ahituv, Martin Kircher | University of Washington, UC San Francisco, Charite Universitatsmedizin Berlin | Massively parallel characterization of variants and elements impacting transcriptional regulation in dynamic cellular systems | HG011966 |
Lea Starita, Douglas Fowler | University of Washington | The Center for Actionable Variant Analysis; measuring variant function at scale | HG011969 |
Jesse Engreitz, Thomas Quertermous | Stanford University | Stanford Center for Connecting DNA Variants to Function and Phenotype | HG011972 |
Marc Vidal | Dana-Farber Cancer Institute | Molecular phenotyping of ~100,000 coding variants across Mendelian disease genes | HG011989 |
Gary Hon, William Kraus, Nikhil Munshi | University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center | Multiscale functional characterization of genomic variation in human developmental disorders | HG011996 |
Hyejung Won, Michael Love, Karen Mohlke | University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill | Systematic in vivo characterization of disease-associated regulatory variants | HG012003 |
Luca Pinello, Daniel Bauer, Guillaume Lettre, Richard Sherwood | Massachusetts General Hospital, Children’s Hospital Boston, Montreal Heart Institute, Brigham and Women’s Hospital | Comprehensive characterization of variants underlying heart and blood diseases with CRISPR base editing | HG012010 |
Charles Gersbach, Gregory Crawford, Tim Reddy | Duke University | High-throughput functional annotation of gene regulatory elements and variants critical to complex cellular phenotypes | HG012053 |
Mapping Awards
Awardee | Institution | Title | Award Number |
Jason Buenrostro, Bradley Bernstein | Broad Institute, Harvard University, Broad Institute, Massachusetts General Hospital | A foundational resource of functional elements, TF footprints and gene regulatory interactions | HG011986 |
Ansuman Satpathy | Stanford University | Single-cell Mapping Center for Human Regulatory Elements and Gene Activity | HG012076 |
Seyed Mortazavi, Barbara Wold | UC Irvine, California Institute of Technology | Center for Mouse Genomic Variation at Single Cell Resolution | HG012077 |
Predictive Modeling Awards
Awardee | Institution | Title | Award Number |
Alan Boyle | University of Michigan | Predicting the impact of genomic variation on cellular states | HG011952 |
Andrew S. Allen, Shayan Mukherjee, Charles D. Page Jr. | Duke University | Design, prediction, and prioritization of systematic perturbations of the human genome | HG011967 |
Soumya Raychaudhuri, Alkes Price, Shamil Sunyaev | Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard School of Public Health, Brigham and Women’s Hospital | Predicting the impact of genetic variants, genes and pathways on human disease | HG012009 |
Predrag Radivojac | Northeastern University | Supporting IGVF by modeling genetics, function, and phenotype with machine learning | HG012022 |
Mark Craven | University of Wisconsin | Linking variants to multi-scale phenotypes via a synthesis of subnetwork inference and deep learning | HG012039 |
Zhiping Weng, Manuel Garber, Xihong Lin | University of Massachusetts Medical School, University of Massachusetts Medical School, Harvard School of Public Health | Predictive modeling of the functional and phenotypic impacts of genetic variants | HG012064 |
Anshul Kundaje | Stanford University | Predicting context-specific molecular and phenotypic effects of genetic variation through the lens of the cis-regulatory code | HG012069 |
Network Awards
Awardee | Institution | Title | Award Number |
Harinder Singh, Nidhi Sahni, Jishnu Das | The University of Pittsburgh, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, University of Pittsburgh | Linking genome variation to transcriptional network dynamics in human B cells | HG012041 |
Hao Wu, Sreeram Kannan, Hongjun Song | University of Pennsylvania | Defining causal roles of genomic variants on gene regulatory networks with spatiotemporally-resolved single-cell multiomics | HG012047 |
Danwei Huangfu, Michael Beer, Anna-Katerina Hadjantonakis | Sloan Kettering Institute for Cancer Research, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Sloan Kettering Institute for Cancer Research | Genomic control of gene regulatory networks governing early human lineage decisions | HG012051 |
Maike Sander, Hannah Carter, Kyle Gaulton, Bing Ren | UC San Diego | The impact of genomic variation on environment-induced changes in pancreatic beta-cell states | HG012059 |
Chongyuan Luo, Kathrin Plath, Noah Zaitlen | UC Los Angeles | Leveraging genetic variation to dissect gene regulatory networks of reprogramming to pluripotency | HG012079 |
Christina Leslie, Alexander Rudensky | Sloan Kettering Institute for Cancer Research | Deciphering the genomics of gene network regulation of T cell and fibroblast states in autoimmune inflammation | HG012103 |
Data and Administrative Coordinating Center Awards
Awardee | Institution | Title | Award Number |
J. Michael Cherry, Mark Gerstein | Stanford University, Yale University | A Data and Administrative Coordinating Center for the Impact of Genomic Variation on Function Consortium | HG012012 |
Ting Wang, Feng Yue | Washington University Saint Louis, Northwestern University | WashU-Northwestern Genomic Variation and Function Data and Administrative Coordinating Center | HG012070 |